Background and priorities

Indonesia became a P4G country partner in September 2019 and launched its P4G National Platform in February 2020. Indonesia’s P4G NP is co-chaired by the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) and IBEKA. It also includes WRI Indonesia and the embassies of Denmark, the Netherlands, and Republic of Korea. With 18 total P4G partnerships, Indonesia continues to be a pioneer in accelerating sustainable development.  

As the world’s largest island-state, Indonesia sees rising effects of climate change, including air pollution from coal-powered plants, deforestation, and plastic pollution. To overcome these challenges, the country is prioritizing a just energy transition, shift to an equitable circular economy that decreases plastic waste and reducing food loss and waste. The NP has supported business matchmaking sessions for partnerships like Digitizing Energy, which works with public utility companies to leverage a digital platform with advanced metering to expand access to residential rooftop solar.

The NP will play a key role in originating P4G partnerships that can deliver transformative impact in line with Indonesia’s SDGs and climate action targets. Prime examples of this include guiding Siklus through regulations about innovative refill solutions and supporting Project STOP Banyuwangi’s comprehensive waste management approach to reduce plastic pollution across the country. The NP joined a visit to the Recycle 2 Value partnership to understand its plans in Surabaya and participated in a circular economy workshop with the Smart Waste Collective at the Dutch Embassy.

Population 275.4 million

The world is embarking on a critical decade as we set out to reduce the impacts of climate change, which Indonesia is already feeling. Collaboration across sectors is the only headway to achieve our goals and ensure that our systems and communities endure and improve. We are excited to launch our P4G National Platform because we know it will play an integral role in our ongoing pursuit to enable and accelerate sustainable development in our country.

Dr. Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia at the launch of the P4G

Country Representatives and Main Contacts

Suharso Monoarfa

Global Advisory Council

Minister for National Development Planning, Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia
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Shinta Kamdani

P4G National Platform Private Sector Co-Chair, CEO Sintesa Group
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Tri Mumpuni

P4G National Platform Co-Chair, Director IBEKA
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Country News & Events

Country Partnerships

Plastics in Circles - Smart Waste Collective
Plastics in Circles - Recycle 2 Value
Prosperous Forests
RE:harvest – ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center
Project STOP Banyuwangi
One Stop Service for Energy Efficiency
Getting to Zero Coalition
Energy Efficiency Alliance for Industry (E2 Alliance)
3R (Reduce, Recover, Recycle) Initiative
IIX Women’s Livelihood Bond Series
Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (CEIA)
Food Delivery Companies for Reducing Single-Use Plastics
Indonesia Food Loss and Waste Action
Indobamboo Lestari - Bamboo Village Trust
BIKI – FoodCycle Indonesia
WasteX – Bina Tani Sejahtera
Forestwise – Yayasan Rimba Raya Abadi
Koinpack's Reuse Revolution
Digitizing Energy
Rumah Bambu Lestari
Grow Asia
The Women’s Livelihood Bond™