Zero Emissions Mobility
Kenya ,
Accelerating E-Mobility Solutions for Social Change is accelerating the shift to e-mobility in rural Africa by nurturing an innovative ecosystem to address electric mobility challenges and test new technologies and models.
P4G provided this partnership with US $100,000 in catalytic grant funding.
The partnership has unlocked potential funding sources for sustainable mobility by developing solutions to subsidize investment costs and structure financial products for scaling e-mobility. Private sector partners Opibus, Bodawerk, WeTu and Anywhere.Berlin proved the economic viability of e-mobility technologies like e-cargo bikes and e-motorbikes while establishing and training a network of conversion operators for electric 2 – 3 wheelers. Accelerating E-Mobility Solutions analyzed barriers, market opportunities and potential for leasing pay-go, battery swapping and charging business models.
Through P4G’s Kenyan National Platform, the partnership engaged with relevant ministries to discuss what’s needed for a robust regulative framework for e-mobility. Alongside Perspectives Climate Group, the partnership prepared a feasibility study and blueprint for a CO2 compensation scheme (carbon crediting) outlining possibilities for light vehicle e-mobility stakeholders in East Africa. With support of the financial service providers Intellecap and Tugende, the partnership explored financing opportunities for scaling the consumer side through asset financing – the use of a company’s assets to borrow or get a loan – and the systemic side through designing a blended finance mechanism.
Partnership members will continue supporting the Kenyan and East African e-mobility sector with the aim of contributing to an improved environment and political context to scale e-mobility solutions. The partnership served as a base for additional P4G partnerships on e-mobility and contributed valuable knowledge to a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Proposal for Kenya to advance e-mobility, led by WRI and P4G with the support of Siemens Stiftung, and carbon crediting options with Perspective Climate Group.