Background and priorities

South Africa joined P4G as a country partner in 2019. The P4G National Platform in South Africa is led by the South Africa Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment and the National Business Initiative, and its members also include the embassies of Denmark, the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea.

The country is committed to transforming its economy to a low carbon, resource efficient and inclusive development pathway. South Africa has prioritized clean energy accessibility and food loss and waste reduction across the country.  

P4G has funded nine partnerships in South Africa since 2019 that support these national priorities, including Getting to Zero Coalition, which works to create commercial opportunities in the decarbonization of the shipping and the maritime sector and port operations. With support from the NP, the partnership published several reports outlining policy recommendations for South Africa to become a green fuel hub, participated in consultations for revising the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy, and helped get shipping named specifically in the Hydrogen Society Roadmap.

To reduce food loss and waste, South Africa worked with FLAWLESS on voluntary agreements in which the food supply industry committed to measure and reduce food loss and waste across their operations. Building Circular Food Systems, uses insects to convert food waste into animal feed and fertilizer, and will expand its operations to build a new waste management and conversion facility in South Africa.

Population 60.7 million

“South Africa, like all African countries, is experiencing serious and ever-increasing climate change related impacts, including the frequency and severity of storms, droughts and floods. These are already causing significant social and economic disruption.

It is an unfortunate reality that the brunt of these impacts are borne by the poorest and most vulnerable communities and groups, largely found in developing countries.

We all agree that climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity this century. We all need to respond according to our respective responsibilities, circumstances and capability.”

Minister Barbara Creecy, Department of Environmental Affairs – at the High-Level Segment of the UNFCCC CoP25/CMP15/CMA2

Country Representatives and Main Contacts

Jenitha Badul

P4G Focal Point, Senior Policy Advisor, DEFF
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Country News & Events

Country Partnerships

Energise Africa
Getting to Zero Coalition
uMngeni Ecological Infrastructure Partnership (UEIP)
Smart Solutions for Plastic Waste Management
STROOM - Greater Stellenbosch Trust
Kulu Eco-Services - Savant Technology Incubator
Adagin Technologies – Savant Technology Incubator
Kaloola – BORDA
Zimi Charge – Sustainability Institute
Building Circular Food Systems
Strategic Water Partners Network (SWPN), South Africa
The Women’s Livelihood Bond™
IIX Women’s Livelihood Bond Series
Africa GreenCo