Cool Food

P4G Theme

Climate-smart Agriculture




Partnership Type



Cool Food Pledge helps dining facilities - in hotels, restaurants, hospitals and company cafeterias - minimize food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030 (a goal in line with the Paris Climate Agreement). Using a three-pronged approach of “Pledge-Plan-Promote,” Cool Food commits members to reduce food-related emissions, supports them in developing plans to sell more plant-rich dishes and promotes their achievements far and wide.

Current Cool Food members serve more than 129,000 metric tons of food per annum, with associated GHG emissions of 3,475,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. If current members met the collective 25% GHG emissions reduction target, their actions would decrease more than 1,070,000 tons of carbon emissions per year by 2030, equivalent to avoiding the annual tailpipe emissions from more than 700,000 European passenger vehicles.

Established in 2018, Cool Food has already scaled to over 40 signatories that serve over 850 million meals a year. This partnership now aims to scale the program to include organizations that serve over 2 billion meals per year by the end of 2021, with a plan to expand to 10 billion meals by the end of 2023. The program is global with members across North America, Europe and Asia.


World Resources Institute, UN Environment, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, Health Care Without Harm and the Sustainable Restaurants Association


Partnership Community of Learning

Koinpack's Reuse Revolution
Closing the Loop on Textile Waste
Rumah Bambu Lestari
Plastics in Circles - Recycle 2 Value
Circular Waste Centers
Greening Cement
Plastics in Circles - Smart Waste Collective
Refill Revolution