Sustainable Future for Textile Factories aimed to support small and medium textile businesses in Bangladesh to implement cleaner production practices.
P4G provided this partnership with US $100,000 in grant funding.
The start-up project aimed to provide proof of concept by conducting demonstration projects at a limited number of industries. The results would be used to convince factory owners and investors to introduce cleaner production. Due to staff changes and challenges gaining regulatory approval, the partnership was not able to set up these demonstration projects.
However, as a result of the partnership’s efforts, awareness of environmental issues caused by the SMEs has increased among both the authorities and the international financial institution. Both the German Development Bank (GIZ) and French Agency for Development (AFD) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have followed the partnership's work with interest. Working and supporting the SMEs is included in plans for future projects of both GIZ and the ADB.
Ahnaf Textile Consultancy
,Forestry and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
,Ministry of Environment
,Narshingdi Districts Dyeing Printing & Finishing Association