Avalve – Action on Poverty

P4G Theme

Climate-smart Agriculture




Countries of Operation

Vietnam ,


The AVALVE – Action on Poverty partnership will improve farmers’ incomes by providing them with a smart farm solution that will help them produce high-value crops that are water- and energy-efficient.

Investing in Impact

P4G has awarded the partnership with almost US $350,000 in grant funding. 

Around 44% of Vietnam’s population work in the agricultural sector with about 89% of farmers in the country being smallholder farmers. Farmers use high volumes of fertilizer and water to maximize their crop yields. 

AVALVE is a Korean smart farm technology company that specializes in artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for sustainable agriculture. Its hydroponic smart farm solution uses AI to monitor crops and introduces efficient water and energy management in crop production processes. It reduces water usage by 90 percent and increases crop productivity by 300 percent. 

The startup will introduce its smart farms to smallholders in Northern Vietnam. It will train them to use the smart farm technology to monitor and cultivate high-value crops like Korean strawberries that command higher prices in Vietnam. AVALVE’s smart farm technology will automatically diagnose crop growing conditions and provide farmers with real time information to make decisions that can increase crop yields. 

AVALVE will also introduce farmers to offtake markets where they can sell their produce, and help farmers design agrotourism activities that draw visitors to the region and to the smart farms. The startup will focus on improving job opportunities for women who typically have fewer avenues to lead farmers. 

AVALVE’s revenue model is based on subscription fees from the sale of hardware and software solutions, and sales of high value Korean strawberries. Farmers in turn earn income from the sale of produce and community-based tourism based on the interest in smart farms. 

Action on Poverty in Vietnam will play the lead role in community engagement to help AVALVE onboard smallholder farmers and better understand their needs. It will also work with government stakeholders to promote agrotourism to the region. Action on Poverty will share learning on the smart farm solution and its impact on gender equity and farmer livelihoods. 

During the partnership period, AVALVE aims to distribute and install smart farms solutions at multiple farms in Vietnam before expanding to other regions in the country. It aims to raise US $1 million in investment. 

The partnership comprises the following partners: AVALVE (lead business partner); Action on Poverty (lead administrative partner).


Partnership Community of Learning

Solar Village Ethiopia - Oxfam in Ethiopia
Yarashoo Agro Industry - CARE
AirX Carbon – Action on Poverty
Surplus Indonesia – Greeneration Foundation
Ancestral Organics - Chamber of Commerce of Armenia and Quindío (CCAQ)
Indobamboo Lestari - Bamboo Village Trust
KardiaNuts - Pakka Foundation
Adagin Technologies – Savant Technology Incubator