Renewable Energy
The District Energy in Cities Initiative accelerates the efforts of developing countries and cities in their transition towards more climate-friendly societies by promoting modern district heating and cooling systems. The Initiative helped realize a US $22 million project where a PPP was created to build a renewable district heating plant, cutting CO2 and SO2 emissions by over 90% in Bosnia & Herzegovina’s second-largest city.
In India, where space cooling demand is expected to increase 11 times in the next 20 years, the Initiative collaborated with EESL to establish a US $200 million revolving fund for district cooling projects to leverage investments worth US $2.8 billion. For further impact, the Initiative contributed to the prioritization of district cooling in India’s draft National Cooling Action Plan out to 2037.
Launched in 2014, the Initiative connects and mobilizes 45 industry partners and 45 champion cities to help 14 countries, 36 cities and two city networks take advantage of this proven technology. Through its partners and networks, the Initiative provides capacity support – from mapping and planning to business models and feasibility and donor matching to take projects to tender. Read more here.
UNEP, Danfoss, IDEA, IEA, WRI, C40, Danida