Digital Solutions for Water
Clean Water for All installed a water treatment plant to deliver clean and affordable water to communities in Bangladesh facing water contamination.
P4G provided this partnership with US $99,860 in catalytic grant funding.
In 2021, the partnership installed a water treatment plant and electric-powered water purification equipment, receiving approval from the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution to become operational. The plant produces approximately 30,000 liters of water per day, expecting to benefit 12,000 people. The partnership’s sustainable business model uses a combination of cross subsidization and patient capital that intends to overcome the affordability barrier to the poorest clients and ensure equitable water distribution. Residents in close proximity can obtain clean water directly from the plant while communities further away can order water delivered from a select vendor.
Clean Water for All developed a comprehensive monitoring framework to quantify the project’s progress and impact, while local government entities built capacity for environmentally friendly water treatment plants. The treatment technology reduces wastewater production during purification and allows for the treatment of surface water instead of groundwater, putting less pressure on aquifers to quickly recharge groundwater to stabilize water systems.
Due to COVID-19, the partnership was unable to examine the scalability of the business model effectively during the funding period but plans to expand to nearby areas experiencing similar water crises. Clean Water for All aims to use the experience gained in this start-up for further analysis and to share knowledge with other stakeholders, partnerships and funders to adopt sustainable business models and promote eco-friendly technologies.
By 2025, the partnership plans to shift plant operation and business model responsibility to eligible local entrepreneurs to support lasting job creation and water scarcity mitigation in communities.