P4G receives 383 Partnership Applications

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The 2019 global call for partnerships ended on 15 February and resulted in 382 applications with projects in 73 developing and emerging countries that qualify for P4G funding. P4G, along with outside experts, will evaluate the proposals for impact, innovation, growth potential, implementation viability, and the value that P4G support can add. Finalists will be notified by early May. P4G will announce its start-up partnerships, those selected to receive US$100,000, on August 6. P4G Scale-up Partnerships, which are eligible to receive up to US$1 million in funding, will be announced on September 17, shortly before the start of the UN Climate Summit on September 23. Learn more about all P4G Partnerships.


Editor's Note: A previous version of this article cited 383 applications instead of 382.